What is Hydrophore?

In short, a hydrophore is a set of equipment that pressurizes water and delivers it to the desired point in cases where the mains pressure is insufficient. Today, hydrophores are frequently used in almost all residences, high-rise buildings and even industrial facilities.

The booster system consists of equipment such as pump-motor (may be one or more depending on the pressure requirement), control panel, valves, manometers, expansion tank. In other words, the hydrophore is not a single pump-motor but a system where many equipment work together. 

KSB Hydrophore Set

Vertical shaft centrifugal pumps are generally used in hydrophores. However, due to their structure, these pumps are not suitable for continuous operation or operating at very small flow rates. For this reason, the main task of the pumps in the booster is to pump water into the membrane inside the expansion tank. Although there are different types of hydrophores, the most commonly used type is the hydrophores with membrane expansion tanks. The structure of these expansion tanks is as follows.

The expansion tank consists of two parts separated by a membrane. There is compressed air on one side and water on the other. The pressure loss in the system is detected by the sensor and the line is opened and the water compressed by the compressed air is sent to the system. However, as the amount of water in the tank decreases, the pressure in the tank decreases as the volume of the gas increases. When this pressure reaches a certain pre-specified level, the pump works and fills the tank with water. As the water increases, the gas will begin to compress again, so the pressure inside the tank increases, and when it reaches the previously specified level, the pump stops working. In this way, in case of small flow needs, the pump does not work and the needs of the system are met.


In choosing a hydrophore, it is necessary to determine the flow rate and pressure, just like the pump. If we take an apartment building used for residential purposes as a basis, the flow calculation is as follows.

Q = A x T x B x f (litre/hour)
Q: Flow rate (litre/hour)
A: Number of families or apartments: A
T: Daily water consumption of the individual: T = 100 – 150 liters / day
B: Average number of individuals for the family: B = 4 – 5
f: Simultaneous Water usage factor 

The simultaneous water use factor is used to plan how many people will need water at the same time. The calculation can be based on the table below. 

Simultaneous Water usage factor (f)

up to 4 apartments


up to 10 apartments


up to 20 apartments


up to 50 apartments


up to 100 apartments


more than 100 apartments


For the pressure head

Hm = ( A x B x C ) + HÖZEL + HAKMA (mSS)
Hm: Basma yüksekliği (mss)
A: Kat yüksekliği ( Evsel uygulamalar için genellikle 2,8 metre – 3 metre arası )
B: Kat sayısı
C: Emniyet katsayısı (Yeni binalar için C=1,20 , eski binalar için C=1,30 )
HÖZEL: Özel ekipmanlar için gerekli olan basınç (Tablodan )
HAKMA: Kullanım yeri basıncı ( HAKMA = 15 mSS )

HÖZEL Özel ekipmanlar için gerekli olan su basıncı

Su sayacı başına

10 mSS

Filtrasyon için

15 mSS

Hortumla bahçe sulama için

10 mSS

Fıskiye ile bahçe sulama için

30 mSS

Şok duş için

15 mSS